A New Online South African Classroom That Connects & Inspires

If there’s one thing the world taught us in the past year, it’s that we are all connected. We need to find ways to turn that connection into a positive sharing space – to see it as an opportunity to learn from each other. I believe if you take the time to learn from others you see your shared humanity, all the things that bring you closer rather than what makes you different.
And for that reason, we are beyond excited to share the most amazing initiative called “Classroom of the World” brought to you by our non-profit partner, Good Work Foundation (GWF).
Take a closer look:
Each Lessons cost just $10 each and all proceeds go towards keeping wonder-filled learning going at Good Work Foundation.
This initiative offers you a series of 15 lessons from the likes of Dr Martha Beck, Billie Jean King, Boyd Varty and members of our own community here in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

The classes we have selected to run in April include:
- Finding your inner compass with Martha Beck
- Wonder-filled learning with Kate Groch
- How to cook Mopane worms with Zodwa Buthelezi
- Throwing the bones with Linna Lamula

Lessons cost just $10 each and all proceeds go towards keeping wonder-filled learning going at Good Work Foundation.

We all have something to teach and share, and we all have something to learn.
Join us in the GWF’s Classroom of the World!! Your learning leads to education for all…

With love and gratitude from me Bronwyn, The Londolozi Family and our remarkable GWF partners

I want to sign up for GWF’s Classroom of the World
I want to donate to Good Work Foundation instead
Join our global tribe:
As a Londolozi Ripple Fund supporter you join a global tribe of people who hold the belief that the restoration of the planet can only come out of a profound shift in human consciousness.
We have established a Londolozi Ripple Fund Impact site where you can follow regular updates of projects and donations as they unfold.
For more information or if you would like to make a donation and start your own ripple effect, please reach out to us on ripple@londolozi.co.za